ISSN: 2328-5745 0 journals
ISSN: 2328-5745This ISSN does not appear in any bibliographic database or evaluation directory tracked by MIAR.
database | found |
ABI/INFORM (ProQuest) | Why? |
Abstracts in Social Gerontology (EBSCO) | Why? |
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
AgeLine (EBSCO) | Why? |
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies - ABSEES (American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies) | Why? |
American History and Life (EBSCO) | Why? |
Anthropological Literature (Tozzer Library, Harvard University) | Why? |
Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
Arab World Research Source : Al Masdar (EBSCO) | Why? |
Aranzadi Instituciones (Aranzadi La Ley - Karnov Group) | Why? |
Art & Architecture Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art, Design & Architecture Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Artic & Antarctic Regions (EBSCO) | Why? |
Arts Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association) | Why? |
Avery (Columbia University) | Why? |
Biological Science Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Biomedical Reference Collection: Corporate Edition (EBSCO) | Why? |
BIOSIS (Clarivate) | Why? |
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
CAB Abstracts with Full Text (CABI) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Central & Eastern European Academic Source - CEEAS (EBSCO) | Why? |
Chemical Abstracts Core (American Chemical Society) | Why? |
Child Development & Adolescent Studies (EBSCO) | Why? |
Chimica (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
ComAbstracts (Communication Institutes for Online Scholarship - CIOS) | Why? |
Communication Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Communication Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Compendex (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Criminology Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Earth, Atmospheric, & Aquatic Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
EconLit (American Economic Association) | Why? |
Education Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Education Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Education Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
Educational research abstracts - ERA (Taylor & Francis Online) | Why? |
Engineering Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Environment Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
ERIC - Education Resources Information Center | Why? |
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals (FIAF) [ProQuest] | Why? |
Film & Television Literature Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
FSTA with Full Text - Food Science & Technology Abstracts (International Food Information Service) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Gender Studies Database (EBSCO) | Why? |
Geobase (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
Greenfile (EBSCO) | Why? |
Health Research Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Historical Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hospitality & Tourism Complete (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hospitality & Tourism Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Humanities Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
ICONDA Bibliographic (Fraunhofer IRB) | Why? |
Index Islamicus (Brill) | Why? |
Index to legal periodicals & books (H.W. Wilson) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Information Science and Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
INSPEC (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) | Why? |
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance (IBTD) with Full Text (EBSCO) | Why? |
International Index to Film Periodicals (Federation of Film Archives) | Why? |
Jewish Studies Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Law Journal Library (HeinOnline) | Why? |
Legal Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Legal Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Library & Information Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Library Literature and Information Science Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - LISTA (EBSCO) | Why? |
Linguistic Bibliography (Brill) | Why? |
Linguistics Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Materials Science & Engineering Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
MathSciNet (American Mathematical Society) | Why? |
MEDLINE (United States National Library of Medicine) | Why? |
MLA - Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America) | Why? |
Music & Performing Arts Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Music Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Music Periodicals Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Old Testament Abstracts Online (American Theological Library Association) | Why? |
Performing Arts Periodicals Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Pharma Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Philosopher's Index (Philosopher’s Information Center) | Why? |
Political Science Complete (EBSCO) | Why? |
Political Science Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Psicodoc (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Psycinfo (American Psychological Association - APA) | Why? |
Public Administration Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Public Affairs Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Religion Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale) | Why? |
Sociology Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO) | Why? |
Technology Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Urban Studies Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Violence & Abuse Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
vLex | Why? |
zbMATH | Why? |
database | found |
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja) | Why? |
East & Central Europe Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
East & South Asia Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hispanic American Periodicals Index - HAPI (Latin American Institute, University of California) | Why? |
IBZ Online (De Gruyter) | Why? |
Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Middle East & Africa Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Natural Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Periodicals Index Online (ProQuest) | Why? |
Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Social Sciences Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |