
Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

Versión 2025 live


Marta Somoza-Fernández, graduated in contemporary history (1989) and cultural anthropology (1995), and a PhD in documentation (2009) from the University of Barcelona (UB). She oversaw the Servei de Teledocumentació de l’Àrea de Ciències de la Salut UB library until 2002. Since 1999, she has been a professor in the Departament de Biblioteconomia i Documentació at the UB. Her research focuses on documentary databases, information retrieval, bibliometric studies, and user training..
Facultad de Información y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Barcelona
Melcior de Palau 140, 08014 Barcelona, España


Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín, Professor at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media of the University of Barcelona, he is also the coordinator of the computer labs and the technological advisor there. He has developed the infrastructure of Temaria: Revistas digitales de biblioteconomía y documentación; BiD: Textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació; MIAR: Matriz de información para la evaluación de revistas; Alehoop: Recursos en línia per elaborar treballs de recerca; EXIT: Directorio de expertos en el tratamiento de la información; IraLIS: International registry of authors-links to identify scientists. Member of Ciepi, ThinkEPI and the Technical Council of de E-LIS. Founder of the company Kronosdoc, dedicated to consulting and development of document management programs.
Facultad de Información y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Barcelona
Melcior de Palau 140, 08014 Barcelona, España


Cristóbal Urbano, Professor at the Department of Library Science, Documentation and Media at the University of Barcelona (UB). He is member of the consolidated research group Cultura, Biblioteques i Continguts Digitals (CBCD) (SGR 2021-00282, Generalitat de Catalunya) and researcher at the Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC) of the UB, where he develops studies on information consumption in the digital environment, analysis of scientific communication in humanities and social sciences, academic digital content management and digital analytics.
Facultad de Información y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Barcelona
Melcior de Palau 140, 08014 Barcelona, España


Ana Carballo-Garcia, graduated in Information and Documentation from the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media at the University of Barcelona. An enthusiast of knowledge and library and information science, with a particular interest in designing information systems and data management. Her professional perspective is in the process of enrichment through pursuing a Master in Data Science. She is part of the MIAR team, in the role of supporting system management and in charge of user service..
Facultad de Información y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Barcelona
Melcior de Palau 140, 08014 Barcelona, España

Awards and publications

MIAR was recognized in 2012 with the Álvaro Pérez de Ugena Award, granted by the Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social to projects of special merit and relevance for the field of communication research. More information about the Álvaro Pérez de Ugena Awards: http://www.revistalatinacs.org/13SLCS/Segovia-dragos.pdf

MIAR has been present as an object of study or as a source of data in some publications such as:

Amb el suport del Grup de recerca consolidat “Cultura, Biblioteques i Continguts Digitals (CBCD)” (SGR 2021-00282/ Generalitat de Catalunya), adscrit al Centre de Recerca en Informació Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC): https://fima.ub.edu/grups/cricc/productes