Found in | |
2 Citation databases. Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER) | c2 |
4 Multidisciplinary databases. Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO), Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest), DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja), DOAJ | m4 |
2 Specialized databases. Library & Information Science Collection (ProQuest), Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - LISTA (EBSCO) | e2 |
3 Evaluation resources. Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills), The Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers - Levels 1, 2 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) | x3 |
Diffusion | c2+m4+e2+x3 |
database | found |
ABI/INFORM (ProQuest) | Why? |
Abstracts in Social Gerontology (EBSCO) | Why? |
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
AgeLine (EBSCO) | Why? |
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies - ABSEES (American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies) | Why? |
American History and Life (EBSCO) | Why? |
Anthropological Literature (Tozzer Library, Harvard University) | Why? |
Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
Arab World Research Source : Al Masdar (EBSCO) | Why? |
Aranzadi Instituciones (Aranzadi La Ley - Karnov Group) | Why? |
Art & Architecture Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art, Design & Architecture Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Artic & Antarctic Regions (EBSCO) | Why? |
Arts Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association) | Why? |
Avery (Columbia University) | Why? |
Biological Science Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Biomedical Reference Collection: Corporate Edition (EBSCO) | Why? |
BIOSIS (Clarivate) | Why? |
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
CAB Abstracts with Full Text (CABI) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Central & Eastern European Academic Source - CEEAS (EBSCO) | Why? |
Chemical Abstracts Core (American Chemical Society) | Why? |
Child Development & Adolescent Studies (EBSCO) | Why? |
Chimica (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
ComAbstracts (Communication Institutes for Online Scholarship - CIOS) | Why? |
Communication Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Communication Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Compendex (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Criminology Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Earth, Atmospheric, & Aquatic Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
EconLit (American Economic Association) | Why? |
Education Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Education Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Education Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
Educational research abstracts - ERA (Taylor & Francis Online) | Why? |
Engineering Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Environment Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
ERIC - Education Resources Information Center | Why? |
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals (FIAF) [ProQuest] | Why? |
Film & Television Literature Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
FSTA with Full Text - Food Science & Technology Abstracts (International Food Information Service) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Gender Studies Database (EBSCO) | Why? |
Geobase (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
Greenfile (EBSCO) | Why? |
Health Research Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Historical Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hospitality & Tourism Complete (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hospitality & Tourism Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Humanities Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
ICONDA Bibliographic (Fraunhofer IRB) | Why? |
Index Islamicus (Brill) | Why? |
Index to legal periodicals & books (H.W. Wilson) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Information Science and Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
INSPEC (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) | Why? |
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance (IBTD) with Full Text (EBSCO) | Why? |
International Index to Film Periodicals (Federation of Film Archives) | Why? |
Jewish Studies Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Law Journal Library (HeinOnline) | Why? |
Legal Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Legal Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Library & Information Science Collection (ProQuest) | Where? |
Library Literature and Information Science Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - LISTA (EBSCO) | Where? |
Linguistic Bibliography (Brill) | Why? |
Linguistics Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Materials Science & Engineering Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
MathSciNet (American Mathematical Society) | Why? |
MEDLINE (United States National Library of Medicine) | Why? |
MLA - Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America) | Why? |
Music & Performing Arts Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Music Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Music Periodicals Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Old Testament Abstracts Online (American Theological Library Association) | Why? |
Performing Arts Periodicals Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Pharma Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Philosopher's Index (Philosopher’s Information Center) | Why? |
Political Science Complete (EBSCO) | Why? |
Political Science Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Psicodoc (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Psycinfo (American Psychological Association - APA) | Why? |
Public Administration Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Public Affairs Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Religion Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale) | Why? |
Sociology Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO) | Why? |
Technology Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Urban Studies Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Violence & Abuse Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
vLex | Why? |
zbMATH | Why? |
database | found |
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) | Where? |
DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja) | Where? |
East & Central Europe Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
East & South Asia Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hispanic American Periodicals Index - HAPI (Latin American Institute, University of California) | Why? |
IBZ Online (De Gruyter) | Why? |
Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Middle East & Africa Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Natural Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Periodicals Index Online (ProQuest) | Why? |
Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Where? |
Social Sciences Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
database | found |
Directory of Open Access Journals | Where? |
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) | Where? |
JUFO Portal - Levels 1, 2, 3 (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies) | Why? |
LATINDEX. Catálogo v2.0 (2018 - ) (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) | Why? |
Sello de calidad FECYT | Why? |
The Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers - Levels 1, 2 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) | Where? |
BIBLIOS is a e-journal specializing in Library and Information Science, publishes research papers and analysis articles.This is a refereed publication, published quarterly with the voluntary support of information professionals worldwide. All contents are freely available.
BIBLIOS is included in severals sources, repositories and databases with the purpose of promoting and giving greater visibility to its contents: DIALNET, DOAJ, E-LIS, E-REVISTAS, JournalTOCs, LATINDEX, LivRe, MIAR, OAISTER, Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, REDALYC, SCIENTIFIC COMMONS, SCOPUS, SHERPA/ROMEO, and WEBQUALIS.
DIMITRI, Pedro-Jorge. Análisis bibliométrico de Biblios: Revista Electrónica de Ciencias de la Información. Biblios: Revista de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, n. 16, p. 100-117, sep. 2003. ISSN 1562-4730. Disponible en: <álisis_bibliométrico_de_Biblios.pdf>. Fecha de acceso: 23 May. 2015.
CHIROQUE-SOLANO, R. and PADILLA-SANTOLLO, P Análisis de coautoría en la revista Biblios: Una aproximación desde Google Scholar. Biblios: Revista de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, n. 34, 2009. ISSN 1562-4730. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 23 May. 2015.
MONTILLA PEÑA, Leomar José. Análisis bibliométrico sobre la producción científica archivística en la Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe (Redalyc) durante el período 2001-2011. Biblios: Revista de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, n. 48, p. 1-11, sep. 2012. ISSN 1562-4730. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 23 May. 2015 doi:
2024: 31 docs.
2023: 5 docs.
2022: 26 docs.
2021: 17 docs.
2020: 10 docs.
2019: 18 docs.
2018: 33 docs.
2017: 19 docs.
2016: 30 docs.
2015: 55 docs.
2013: 28 docs.
2012: 29 docs.
2011: 15 docs.
updated: 23-03-2025
2 days ago.
Next update in 28 days.
2024: 31 docs.
2023: 5 docs.
2022: 26 docs.
2021: 17 docs.
2020: 11 docs.
2019: 21 docs.
2018: 66 docs.
2017: 27 docs.
2016: 31 docs.
2015: 61 docs.
2014: 1 docs.
2013: 31 docs.
2012: 33 docs.

updated: 20-03-2025
5 days ago.
Next update in 25 days.
1562-4730 (electronic)