Sello de calidad FECYT
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
JUFO Portal - Levels 1, 2, 3 (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
The Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers - Levels 1, 2 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
Found in | |
1 Citation databases. Scopus (ELSEVIER) | c1 |
6 Multidisciplinary databases. Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO), Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO), IBZ Online (De Gruyter), Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest), Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest), DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja) | m6 |
11 Specialized databases. Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest), Communication Abstracts (EBSCO), Communication Source (EBSCO), Education Abstracts (EBSCO), Education Collection (ProQuest), Education Source Ultimate (EBSCO), Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCO), Educational research abstracts - ERA (Taylor & Francis Online), MLA - Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America), Psicodoc (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid) [EBSCO], Psycinfo (American Psychological Association - APA) | e11 |
5 Evaluation resources. LATINDEX. Catálogo v2.0 (2018 - ) (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Sello de calidad FECYT, ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills), JUFO Portal - Levels 1, 2, 3 (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies), The Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers - Levels 1, 2 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) | x5 |
Diffusion | c1+m6+e11+x5 |
database | found |
ABI/INFORM (ProQuest) | Why? |
Abstracts in Social Gerontology (EBSCO) | Why? |
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
AgeLine (EBSCO) | Why? |
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest) | Where? |
American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies - ABSEES (American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies) | Why? |
American History and Life (EBSCO) | Why? |
Anthropological Literature (Tozzer Library, Harvard University) | Why? |
Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
Arab World Research Source : Al Masdar (EBSCO) | Why? |
Aranzadi Instituciones (Aranzadi La Ley - Karnov Group) | Why? |
Art & Architecture Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Art, Design & Architecture Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Artic & Antarctic Regions (EBSCO) | Why? |
Arts Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association) | Why? |
Avery (Columbia University) | Why? |
Biological Science Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Biomedical Reference Collection: Corporate Edition (EBSCO) | Why? |
BIOSIS (Clarivate) | Why? |
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Why? |
CAB Abstracts with Full Text (CABI) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Central & Eastern European Academic Source - CEEAS (EBSCO) | Why? |
Chemical Abstracts Core (American Chemical Society) | Why? |
Child Development & Adolescent Studies (EBSCO) | Why? |
Chimica (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
ComAbstracts (Communication Institutes for Online Scholarship - CIOS) | Why? |
Communication Abstracts (EBSCO) | Where? |
Communication Source (EBSCO) | Where? |
Compendex (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Criminology Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Earth, Atmospheric, & Aquatic Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
EconLit (American Economic Association) | Why? |
Education Abstracts (EBSCO) | Where? |
Education Collection (ProQuest) | Where? |
Education Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Where? |
Educational research abstracts - ERA (Taylor & Francis Online) | Where? |
Engineering Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Environment Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
ERIC - Education Resources Information Center | Why? |
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals (FIAF) [ProQuest] | Why? |
Film & Television Literature Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
FSTA with Full Text - Food Science & Technology Abstracts (International Food Information Service) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Gender Studies Database (EBSCO) | Why? |
Geobase (ELSEVIER) | Why? |
Greenfile (EBSCO) | Why? |
Health Research Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Historical Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hospitality & Tourism Complete (EBSCO) | Why? |
Hospitality & Tourism Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Humanities Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
ICONDA Bibliographic (Fraunhofer IRB) | Why? |
Index Islamicus (Brill) | Why? |
Index to legal periodicals & books (H.W. Wilson) [EBSCO] | Why? |
Information Science and Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
INSPEC (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) | Why? |
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance (IBTD) with Full Text (EBSCO) | Why? |
International Index to Film Periodicals (Federation of Film Archives) | Why? |
Jewish Studies Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Law Journal Library (HeinOnline) | Why? |
Legal Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Legal Source (EBSCO) | Why? |
Library & Information Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Library Literature and Information Science Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - LISTA (EBSCO) | Why? |
Linguistic Bibliography (Brill) | Why? |
Linguistics Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Materials Science & Engineering Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
MathSciNet (American Mathematical Society) | Why? |
MEDLINE (United States National Library of Medicine) | Why? |
MLA - Modern Language Association Database (Modern Language Association of America) | Where? |
Music & Performing Arts Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Music Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Music Periodicals Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Old Testament Abstracts Online (American Theological Library Association) | Why? |
Performing Arts Periodicals Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Pharma Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Philosopher's Index (Philosopher’s Information Center) | Why? |
Political Science Complete (EBSCO) | Why? |
Political Science Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Psicodoc (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid) [EBSCO] | Where? |
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Psycinfo (American Psychological Association - APA) | Where? |
Public Administration Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Public Affairs Index (EBSCO) | Why? |
Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO) | Why? |
Religion Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale) | Why? |
Sociology Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCO) | Where? |
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO) | Why? |
Technology Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Urban Studies Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
Violence & Abuse Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
vLex | Why? |
zbMATH | Why? |
database | found |
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) | Where? |
DIALNET (Universidad de la Rioja) | Where? |
East & Central Europe Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
East & South Asia Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO) | Where? |
Hispanic American Periodicals Index - HAPI (Latin American Institute, University of California) | Why? |
IBZ Online (De Gruyter) | Where? |
Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest) | Where? |
Middle East & Africa Database (ProQuest) | Why? |
Natural Science Collection (ProQuest) | Why? |
Periodicals Index Online (ProQuest) | Why? |
Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest) | Where? |
Social Sciences Abstracts (EBSCO) | Why? |
database | found |
Directory of Open Access Journals | Why? |
ERIHPlus (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) | Where? |
JUFO Portal - Levels 1, 2, 3 (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies) | Where? |
LATINDEX. Catálogo v2.0 (2018 - ) (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) | Where? |
Sello de calidad FECYT | Where? |
The Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers - Levels 1, 2 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) | Where? |
«Comunicar» is a quarterly, bilingual Spanish-English research journal, with Chinese and Portuguese abstracts published by Grupo Comunicar Ediciones. It is specialized in media literacy, educommunication: communication and education, ICT, audiences, new languages…; there are special monographic editions on the most up-to-date topics. Articles, authors and topics have a decidedly international outlook. The journal is now in its 23rd year and has published 1661 research articles..
Professional management of manuscripts via the OJS platform from the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation, with ethical commitments published for the scientific community that ensure transparency and timeliness, antiplagiarism (CrossCheck), reviewing system…
«Comunicar» is an open access journal, a highly visible publication available through numerous search engines, dynamic pdfs, epub, DOIs, ORCID… with connections to Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero and scientific social networks like, Researchgate, among others.
«Comunicar» offers detailed information to its authors and contributors on the manuscript review process, and strictly sets the criteria, procedures, review plans and timetable: a) Preliminary phase for admission/dismissal of manuscripts (maximum 30 days); b) Manuscript evaluation phase, including their acceptance/rejection (maximum 150 days); c) Publishing of texts as a digital preprint in Spanish and English. The journal publishes the abstracts in Chinese, and Portuguese.
«Comunicar» accepts manuscripts in Spanish and in English, publishing the final, accepted versions as bilingual works. The articles published in this journal gather various contributions from experts and researchers from all around the world, rigorously working on avoiding editorial endogamy, especially from members of its organization, boards and councils.
- Fonseca-Mora, M.C. & Aguaded, I. 2014. Scientific journals as platforms to publish research of excellence in education: strategies to attract researchers/Las revistas científicas como plataformas para publicar la investigación de excelencia en educación: estrategias para atracción de investigadores. RELIEVE, v. 20 (2), art. M3. DOI: 10.7203/relieve.20.2.4274
- De Filippo, D. (2013). La producción científica española en Comunicación en WOS. Las revistas indexadas en SSCI (2007-12). Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 21(41), 25-34.
- Aguaded, J.I. & Fonseca-Mora, M.C. 2012. Editorial Process Quality and International Visibility as a process towards Excellence in the Journal Comunicar/Calidad del proceso editorial y visibilización internacional como proceso a la excelencia en la revista Comunicar En Fecyt.(eds) Good Practices in the edition of Scientific Publications //Manual de Buenas Prácticas en Edición de Revistas Científicas. Madrid: Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología:
- Coslado Bernabé , M.A. 2010. Análisis de la presencia de las revistas científicas españolas en el JCR de 2010. FECYT: Madrid
- Papí-Gálvez, Natalia; López-Berna, Sonia y Quintas-Froufe, Natalia (2010): “Proyección internacional de la investigación española en comunicación (1970-2008)” en Sierra Sánchez, Javier y Cabezuelo Lorenzo, Francisco (coords.): Competencias y perfiles profesionales en los estudios de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Madrid: Fragua,
- Castillo, A. y Carretón, M. (2010) Investigación en Comunicación. Estudio bibliométrico de las Revistas de Comunicación en España. Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXIII, n. 2, pp.289-327
2023: 48 docs.
2022: 40 docs.
2021: 40 docs.
2020: 40 docs.
2019: 40 docs.
2018: 40 docs.
2017: 40 docs.
2016: 40 docs.
2015: 40 docs.
2014: 44 docs.
2013: 44 docs.
2012: 64 docs.
2011: 44 docs.
2010: 46 docs.
2009: 50 docs.
2008: 129 docs.
2007: 47 docs.
2006: 61 docs.
2005: 246 docs.
2004: 50 docs.
2003: 51 docs.
2002: 56 docs.
2001: 46 docs.
2000: 51 docs.
1999: 33 docs.
1998: 88 docs.
1997: 45 docs.
1996: 49 docs.
1995: 44 docs.
1994: 38 docs.
1993: 14 docs.
updated: 04-03-2025
8 days ago.
Next update in 22 days.
2024: 22 docs.
2023: 38 docs.
2022: 40 docs.
2021: 33 docs.
2020: 52 docs.
2019: 46 docs.
2018: 67 docs.
2017: 60 docs.
2016: 66 docs.
2015: 46 docs.
2014: 57 docs.
2013: 84 docs.
2012: 107 docs.

updated: 13-02-2025
27 days ago.
Next update in 3 days.