
Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

Versión 2025 live

not found in Linguistics Collection (ProQuest)

The journal ENGLISH TEXT CONSTRUCTION has not been located in the database Linguistics Collection (ProQuest). Notice that the system uses the ISSN(S) Linguistics Collection (ProQuest) . Notice that the system uses the ISSN(S) 1874-8775,1874-8767 for the location.

The list of titles Linguistics Collection (ProQuest) has been checked http://tls.search.proquest.com/titlelist/ListForward?productId=1009059&productName=Linguistics+Collection&format=tab&IDString=1009059&issn=Y and analyzed on 2024-12-21 12:36:51. 21-12-2024

Possible reasons for not being included yet appear in this repository are :

  • That does not include the ISSN repository or this is different from those in MIAR ( 1874-8767 1874-8775). (1874-8775,1874-8767).
  • That the repository indicates that the magazine is not currently active with terms such as inactive or Ceased.
  • It has been included after the 2024-12-21 12:36:51 In this case will appear in the next update of MIAR.
  • It has been an error in the automatic extraction of deteccióny ISSN file.
  • For Latindex , you are in the directory but not found in the catalog.
    • In either case can communicate the problem.

Amb el suport del Grup de recerca consolidat “Cultura, Biblioteques i Continguts Digitals (CBCD)” (SGR 2021-00282/ Generalitat de Catalunya), adscrit al Centre de Recerca en Informació Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC): https://fima.ub.edu/grups/cricc/productes