
Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

Versión 2024 live

Update to MIAR 2024 Live

[Barcelona, 09-02-2024]. As of January 1, 2024, the data from “MIAR 2023 Live” has been incorporated into the archive that has been providing retrospective data of MIAR since 2009. The default version when conducting queries is the 2024 Live version. For historical record purposes, from the right column of the file of each journal in the Live version of the current year, access to secondary dissemination calculation data from previous years is available. Journals that no longer meet the inclusion criteria in MIAR, but did so in previous editions, appear in the 2024 Live version differentiated with the notice “X IT DOES NOT REACH THE INCLUSION THRESHOLD IN MIAR - This journal does not appear in any of the sources analyzed by MIAR LIVE: its distribution is c0+m0+e0+x0”.

Similarly, it is recalled that since 2022 MIAR has eliminated the ICDS indicator, opting for a descriptive approach that avoids hierarchies and rankings. Journals are now presented according to their presence in different types of databases, categorized as citation, multidisciplinary, specialized, and evaluation, reflected in a simplified formula cN+mN+eN+xN that shows the number of appearances per category.

In order for MIAR to be updated with relevant information, the list of sources analyzed has been renewed (available at: https://miar.ub.edu/databases/GRUPO/). New databases and evaluation repertoires have been incorporated into the MIAR matrix with a dual objective: on the one hand, to reflect current dynamics in scientific communication and bibliographic control; on the other hand, to fill gaps that discontinued databases or those that no longer offered public and updated listings of covered titles had left in certain areas.

Amb el suport del Grup de recerca consolidat “Cultura, Biblioteques i Continguts Digitals (CBCD)” (SGR 2021-00282/ Generalitat de Catalunya), adscrit al Centre de Recerca en Informació Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC): https://fima.ub.edu/grups/cricc/productes